Monday, August 05, 2013

DIY coasters

Monday, August 05, 2013

This summer has been really busy for me - besides the whole getting married thing and the sending Noah off on his mission thing, I have been studying, studying, studying. I spent the end of June and the whole month of July studying to take the GRE. And I studied hard. I even banned myself from the internet (hence the complete absence from posting) and I was really good about not checking blogs and Facebook and Pinterest and tumblr etc. etc. just so I could give my complete focus to horrible things like math and such.

But now I'm done! I took the GRE at the end of July and it went really well and now I'm free! So I decided to take advantage of my school free summer and actually make some of the things I've pinned on Pinterest so that husband and I can have some decorations to put in the apartment. First up: coasters! They were actually super cheap and really easy, and I'm really happy with how they turned out.

Here's the pin I used as inspiration.

And here's my take:
As usual all my pictures are the unedited ones straight from my iPhone - only the best people, only the best!

Here's what you need: 
  • White ceramic tiles - I found mine at Home Depot and I bought 12 for $1.98
  • Spray paint - I'm on a gold kick so I chose gold leaf by Krylon (Martha says it's the best brand)
  • Masking tape

Step 1: clean your tiles and then tape them up with whatever shapes/designs you want

Step 2: go somewhere ventilated, lay down a tarp or old sheet, and then spray away to your little hearts content (I used two coats for my tiles)

Step 3: when the tiles are all dry, pull off the tape and enjoy your new coasters!

I think I am going to go buy some of that Mod Podge sealant spray and put that over the top just so the gold doesn't scratch or get messed up from wet cups.


  1. I love them! They turned out so cute!

  2. Hey so glad I found your blog! :) you're such a talented gal! and love love your wedding photos <3 congrats! xx


  3. I LOVE these! I am a sucker for gold everything!

    ♥ Brittney @ True Vintage Love

  4. i know i'm a little late on the reply... but thank you both!! pinterest has really helped those of us less creative folk :)
